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1. To do well in today's certamen, it would be great to have what Roman goddess of wisdom on your side? Minerva
a. What is the Greek name of Minerva? Athena
b. What bird was sacred to Minerva? The owl
2. What king gave his name to Rome? Romulus
a. Who was the brother of Romulus? Remus
b. On what hill was Rome built? Palatine
3. What case shows possession? Genitive
a. Put "tall sailor" into the gen. sg. Alti nautae
b. Make "alti nautae" pl. altorum nautarum
4. Say in Latin "He praises the girl." Puellam laudat.
a. Change "he praises" to the fut. Laudabit
b. Change "laudabit" to the perf. Laudavit
5. What river runs through Rome? Tiber
a. On what hill was the seat of government? Capitoline
b. What mountain range runs though Italy? Appennines
6. Give the 3 Latin prepositions that can mean "from." De, ex (e), ab(a)
a. Say in Latin " out of the forest." Ex (e) silva
b. Say in Latin "down the road." De via
7. Where did the Romans watch gladiator fights? The Colosseum
a. Where were chariot races held? Circus Maximus
b. What was the center of civic activity? The Forum [Romanum]
8. What Roman Olympian gods were fraternal twins? Diana and Apollo
a. What were Diana and Apollo's Greek names? Artemis and Apollo
b. Who was their mother? Latona (Leto)
9. What was the official garment worn by Roman men? Toga
a. What less formal garment did men also wear? Tunica (or tunic)
b. What was the name of a woman's dress? Stola
10. Welcome to the Roman cinema. What hit movie has the title "Maris Undecim?" Ocean's Eleven
a. A popular oldie is playing next door. Have you seen "Domi solus?" Home Alone
b. If you like insects, you might want to catch this classic "Formicae." Antz
11. What case does the receiver of the direct object take? Dative
Put the indirect object into Latin in these sentences:
a. I gave the boys these books. Pueris
b. He announced the victory to the queen. Reginae
12. Translate "Lucius " in the sentence: Bring me the water, Lucius. Luci
a. What case is "Lucius" in? Vocative
b. Put "Marcus" into the vocative. Marce
13. When recognized obey the following command. "Sta et pone digitum tuum in oculo tuo."
Stand and put your finger on your eye.
a. Pone tuum manum sinistrum in capite tuo. Put your left hand on your head.
b. Sta in uno pede. Stand on one foot.
14. What island is at the tip of Italy's boot? Sicily
a. What volcano can be found on Sicily? Mt. Etna
b. What volcano erupted in 79 AD? Mt. Vesuvius
15. Translate the antonyms "semper" and "numquam". Always and never
a. Give the Latin antonyms for "good and bad." Bonus and malus
b. How about "big and small?" Magnus and parvus
16. Give the principal parts and translation of the Latin verb that gives us the English word "habitual." Habeo, habere, habui, habitus - have, hold
a. Give the principal parts of the Latin verb, often confused with "habeo," that means "to inhabit." Habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus
b. Give the principal parts of the Latin verb that means "to hold or keep."
Teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus
17. If you are standing in the "cubiculum" of a Roman house, where would you be? Bedroom
a. In what Roman room would you do the cooking? Culina
b. In what Roman room would you eat your dinner? Triclinium
18. Say in Latin "She loves to watch the horses." Amat spectare equos.
a. What form is "spectare?" infinitive
b. Say in Latin "They prepare to increase their fortune." Parant augere fortunam.
19. What sea did the Romans call "Mare Nostrum?" Mediterranean
a. What famous seaside city was covered in ash as a result of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius? Pompeii
b. In Pompeii a famous mosaic was preserved with the warning "Cave canem."
Translate this warning. Beware the dog.
20. You made it to the end of the first round. How do you say "first" in Latin? Primus
a. Speaking of numbers, count to 5 in Latin. Unus, duo, tres, quattuor, quinque
b. How about 6 to 10. sex, septem, octo, novem, decem